Blue Hope
1 min readMay 16, 2017


One small truth

He used to be a beggar. He was always asking for things that others never truly gave him: attention, praise, acceptance, approval, friendship; sometimes he even wished for hate so it could give him the sensation of living.

All this until he understood this small truth: human nature is all about ego and no one will give you anything without expecting something in return. Even the most generous person in the world will expect a return on investment of the gift he does to the poor, be it gratitude or the consolation of having a stable place in Heaven for the afterlife.

Maybe it was not like that before Society happened. Maybe the Original Nature of a being did not know what ego is. How can he understand such things anyway? The burden of humanity was not his to bear.

One thing he did understand: the world will not give him any present and it was the right way.

The simple truth is that he will be the only one that will give himself all that he deserved. He is the architect of his masterpiece he called life.

